Two things about Ash Wednesday:
1) My professor commented about the cross on my forehead. He said,
"Are you trying to be like Harry Potter?"Great. I did laugh though because it was funny I do admit. It's odd though since it's the first time someone has commented about the cross in the forehead, even though it was done jokingly.
2) My classmates and I were thinking of ways to beat the Ash Wednesday fast. Conclusion: buffet. Just think of the Ash Wednesday crowds rushing into the Todai at the mall. Perhaps, coming in last minute before lunch ends, sit there for three hours, and then get the dinner stuff (how embarrassing). However, Todai is a little bourgeois for me in terms of price, so perhaps the Davis Sushi Buffet would be more fitting.
In case you're wondering, I didn't "cheat" by going to a buffet. I just heated up some shrimp tempura and rice with a glass of apple juice.
What a wonderful day.
That is all.
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